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Publicações pela equipe iGeriatria

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    Atlas of Geriatrics

    “These three accomplished geratricians have, over the last two year, developed an ambitious, and yet simple, effective project – which will no doubt much contribute to the training and clinical practice of scores of clinical practitioners. Profiting from their considerable experience and a camera, they have sistematically recorded the most prevalent age-associated signs, disease and conditions, they would observe in their daily practices. And the beaty is precisely in the simplicity. Instead of the relying in increasingly in high-tecnology procedures, clinicians should value far more the diagnostic clues that only the carefull observation of signs can provide. That, combined with rigorous medical history, is irreplaceable, and forever the strong foundation of good practice. Correct diagnosis is obviously the key to apropriated medical care – and only possible if we stick to solid clinical principles. That is why I believe this Atlas will be a most usefull to students, practitioners, and to their trainers. “
    Alexandre Kalache
    Head, Ageing and Life Course Programme World Health Organization

    ISBN-13: 978-8-58-836107-2
    ISBN: 85-883-6107-8