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Publicações pela equipe iGeriatria

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    Nossos Recursos para Você:

    Marcapasso Atrial Programável no Tratamento da Hipotensão Ortostática Neurogênica no Idoso

    Marcapasso Atrial Programável no Tratamento da Hipotensão Ortostática Neurogênica no Idoso

    Differential diagnosis of gait disorders in the elderly

    Differential diagnosis of gait disorders in the elderly

    A place for antidepressants in non-psychiatric disorders

    A place for antidepressants in non-psychiatric disorders

    Why do old people stoop?

    Why do old people stoop?

    Management of orthostatic hypotension in the elderly

    Management of orthostatic hypotension in the elderly

    Antidepressants: Their uses in nonpsychiatric disorders of aging

    Antidepressants: Their uses in nonpsychiatric disorders of aging

    Levantamento Epidemiológico Psicogeriátrico em Asilos

    Levantamento Epidemiológico Psicogeriátrico em Asilos